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The ideal gift.....

Looking for the perfect gift for a family member, friend or colleague?  Why not purchase a gift voucher which are available for one of our summer packages, valid from May onwards. These can be personalised to individual requirements to include a special message. The vouchers can either be sent to the purchaser or direct to the recipient.

Winter Package

Throughout January and February there are limited winter package dates available. This package includes a breakfast roll on arrival, 18 holes of golf and a two course lunch. 

Package  Monday - Friday 
One round package £155.00pp
Spring Package

This package includes a breakfast roll on arrival, 18 holes of golf and a two course lunch. 

Packages Monday - Friday 
March (3rd-19th) £170.00pp
March (20th -31st) £185.00pp
April (1st-16th) £210.00pp
April (17th-30th) £225.00pp




Summer Packages
May - October 

This one round package includes a breakfast roll on arrival, 18 holes of golf and a two course lunch. The two round package will include a second round of golf after your lunch. 

Packages  Monday - Thursday  Friday Only 
One Round Summer  £260.00pp £285.00pp
Two Round Summer  £380.00pp N/A
Green Fee Only  £235.00pp N/A 


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